Diploma in Health & Wellbeing
(Applied Practice - YOUTH WORK) (Level 5)
Credits: 120
Duration: 44-48 weeks (40 Academic + 4-8 break weeks)
Locations offered: Manukau
Domestic - Zero Fees apply**
Next intake: 24th February 2025; 28th July 2025

The programme aims to qualify advanced support workers who work closely and collaboratively to support people and whanau with complex needs. As this is an Applied Diploma, the 200 hours of required practical work and the associated learning is transferred into work practices.
This programme recognises the competence, knowledge, and skills required across a range of occupations and disciplines, to support people to achieve their health and wellbeing aspirations.
Graduates will be able to work in the health and wellbeing work sector. They will be equipped with a broad operational and theoretical knowledge of working with youth, those philosophies underpinning Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa, and te reo Maori, tikanga and kawa. Graduates will be able to work independently as practitioners in some sectors, or under the supervision of professional or qualified clinicians, in others."
Delivery Mode
Blended (4 hours face to face AND 8 hours online per week)
10 hours per week of Self-Directed Learning
8 hours per week of Workplace Practicum and/or Assessment Activities (as scheduled) . A total of 200 hours of Workplace Practicum must be completed.
Entry Requirement
Applicants seeking to be enrolled in the Diploma in Health and Wellbeing (Applied Practice - Youth Work) (Level 5) will need to meet the following entry requirements:
Be aged 18 years or older AND
Hold a Youth Work or Health & Wellbeing Level 4 qualification OR
Provide evidence of successful study at Level 3 AND evidence of a minimum of 12 months professional experience in a health and wellbeing context AND
Disclose any criminal convictions at the time of enrolment and approve, at the time of enrolment, the release of criminal conviction information from the New Zealand Police, to enable learners not already employed within the sector to be placed in a workplace setting AND
Be able to work or undertake voluntary work in a Youth Work setting AND
Are assessed by AGI as being suitable to work in the Youth Work sector AND
Have access to a computer and the internet to complete the requirements of the programme.
Special admission can be granted by the Head of Department for applicants who are 20 years or older and hold at least 18 months work experience in ahealth and wellbeing context and are endorsed by 2 workplace referees.
Qualification Awarded: Diploma in Health & Wellbeing (Applied Practice - Youth Work) (Level 5)
Core papers included
Module 1: Supporting health and wellbeing practice through theories, models and approaches. (15 credits)
Module 2: Health and wellbeing support competencies. (15 credits)
Module 3: Application of evidence-based practice. (30 credits)
Module 4: Socio-cultural, economic and political factors within the New Zealand health and wellbeing environment within the youth sector. (15 credits)
Module 5: Te Ao Mฤori, supporting health and wellbeing aspirations of tangata whenua. (15 credits)
Module 6: Responding to youth from diverse contexts. (15 credits)
Module 7: Critical evaluation and improvement of own youth development support practice. (15 credits)
Graduate Profile
Graduates who successfully complete this programme will be able to continue their chosen career path within the youth work or related sector or progress onto further study.
Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
Integrate theory and knowledge of health and wellbeing to identify the health and wellbeing aspirations of people from diverse contexts.
Critically select and apply a range of evidence-based practices to support people to meet their health and wellbeing aspirations.
Maintain awareness of the socio cultural, economic and political factors impacting the wider health and wellbeing environment to provide responsive support practices.
Critically select and apply a range of evidence-based practices informed by knowledge of te ao Maori to respond to the health and wellbeing aspirations of tangata whenua.
Apply advanced strategies and practices to respond with sensitivity to people from diverse contexts.
Critically reflect on and evaluate own support practice to achieve continuous improvement.
Graduates will continue to develop and grow as valued employees and demonstrate skills that contribute to lifelong learning.
Employment Outcomes
Graduates of this qualification will have the skills and knowledge required to work in vocational roles, disciplines or contexts such as: Consumer Advocacy, Disability Practice, Employment Support, Navigation/Navigator, Social Services, Iwi Services, Mental Health Support, Youth Work in a range of settings such as non-governmental organisations, justice/corrections, social services, residential and community.
Education Pathways
This qualification may build on the following:
New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Advanced Care and Support) (Level 4) [Ref: 4108]
New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Peer Support) (Level 4) [Ref: 2989]
New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Primary Care Practice Assistance) (Level 4) [Ref: 2990]
New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Rehabilitation Support) (Level 4) with strands in Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Impairment, and Chronic Illness [Ref: 2991]
New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Social and Community Services) (Level 4) with strands in Community Health Work; Disability Support; Mental Health and Addiction Support; and Whฤnau, Community and Social Services [Ref: 2992]
Graduates may progress into higher level qualifications within the Health and Wellbeing sectors.
** Zero Fees Apply
This is available to:
New Zealand citizens
New Zealand residents/permanent residents living in New Zealand during study
Australian citizens residing in New Zealand during study
Any other criteria that TEC deem to be eligible to study as a domestic student